Best Criminal Lawyers In Albury, NSW
Expert recommended Best Criminal Lawyers in Albury, NSW. To help you find the best Criminal Lawyers in Albury located near to you, we put together our own list based on customer reviews which includes everything from checking reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust, and cost to the general excellence. You deserve only the best!.
Jason Hanke

566 Englehardt St, Albury NSW 2640
- Opens 08.30 AM
- Closed 05:30 PM
Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Health Law, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Wills and Estate Planning
Here’s The Deal:
Jason practices principally in the areas of criminal law, commercial and business law and conveyancing. He also accepts instructions in wills, estates and commercial disputes and litigation. He completed a double degree in Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Behavioral Science at La Tobe University in Melbourne in 2007 and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2009. Having been raised in country Victoria, Jason has a personable manner, but a professional approach to his legal practice. He builds strong relationships with his clients and prides himself on his ability to achieve client-focused outcomes. Jason is fast growing a reputation as an advocate for clients in courts and tribunals in the Al bury-Wodonga region. Away from the office, Jason enjoys spending his time with his wife and two children and playing golf with his friends.
Matthew Burt

566 Englehardt St, Albury NSW 2640
- Opens 08:30 AM
- Closed 05:30 PM
Criminal Law, Commercial law, Personal injury and Family law
Here’s The Deal:
Mаtthеw is hіghlу regarded іn the fіеld оf buѕіnеѕѕ аnd commercial lаw аnd соnvеуаnсіng. Hе аlѕо ассерtѕ іnѕtruсtіоnѕ in thе аrеаѕ of wіllѕ аnd еѕtаtеѕ, property law and соmmеrсіаl dіѕрutеѕ аnd lіtіgаtіоn. After соmmеnсіng his legal саrееr іn 2000, Mаtthеw wаѕ аdmіttеd tо рrасtісе іn thе Suрrеmе Cоurt of Nеw Sоuth Wаlеѕ in 2008. Matthew’s lеgаl ԛuаlіfісаtіоnѕ аrе еnhаnсеd bу аn hоnоurѕ degree іn environmental science. He wаѕ rаіѕеd in thе Alburу-Wоdоngа Rеgіоn аnd hаѕ аn іntіmаtе knоwlеdgе of thе area. He is a life-member of thе Boomers Fооtbаll Club аnd has ѕеrvеd оn the соmmіttее fоr over 15 years, іnсludіng іn thе capacity аѕ Trеаѕurеr and Prеѕіdеnt. Mаtthеw іѕ mаrrіеd wіth twо children. His іntеrеѕtѕ іnсludе soccer, gоlf and gаrdеnіng.
Suryan Chandrasegaran

596 Hume St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 08:30 AM
- Closed 05:30 PM
Criminal Law, Aggravated robbery, Assault, Burglary, Domestic violence, Fraud.
Here’s The Deal:
Suryan Chandrasegaran is a solicitor, accountant and registered tax agent who has practiced in Australia for over 15 years. During that time, he has gained a broad range of legal experience dealing with a range of legal and tax matters for clients. He has been a partner and a legal practitioner director in a regional law firm. He has also previously worked for a large national law firm in Perth as well as the Australian Taxation Office. Suryan has been admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Courts of Victoria and Western Australia and the High Court of Australia. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants and a registered tax agent.
Don Cameron

491 Smollett St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 08:30 AM
- Closed 05:30 PM
Criminal Law, Drink driving, drug driving and traffic offences, Violent offences, murder and domestic violence, Sexual assaults.
Here’s The Deal:
Don is a lawyer with nearly 40 years experience, has been an Accredited Personal Injury Specialist for over 20 years, and is a Nationally Accredited Mediator. His training and experience successfully representing clients in New South Wales and Victorian Supreme Courts, as well as the High Court of Australia, enables him to advise on a wide range of legal issues. Don follows the philosophy of Sun Tzu: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” Winning your case is all about preparation, and instructing Don is the first step to preparing properly.
David Skinner

481 Townsend St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 08:30 AM
- Closed 05:00 PM
Criminal Law, Commercial law, Traffic law.
Here’s The Deal:
Mr David Skinner is the Senior Partner of Skinner & Associates. He practices predominantly in the areas of conveyancing, leases, mortgages, wills, estates and business law. He is also a public notary. He is a past council chairman of Lions Australia and is presently the legal officer for Lions Australia. Mr Skinner was awarded the OAM in June 2006 for his service to the local community.
We strive to provide the best services possible for the betterment of our clients, our people and our community. Our dedicated professional and support staff combine expert knowledge with compassion, integrity and respect for others. Let us help your goals become reality. The team at Skinner & Associates consists of a wide range of professionals and support staff. We all work together to provide the best possible service to all our clients.
Emma Hill

Farrer, House, Suite 101/526 Swift St, Albury NSW 2640
- Opens 09:00 AM
- Closed 04:00 PM
Criminal Law, Commercial law, Personal injury and Family law
Here’s The Deal:
Emma Hill is the principal solicitor at Tarantella Law. She was admitted to practice in 2003 and has practiced in family and criminal law since that time. She has been in praise in Albury Wodonga since 2005. Emma practices in the Local Court of New South Wales, the Magistrates Court of Victoria, the Federal Circuit Court and the Family Court. She undertakes private and legal aid work and works as an Independent Children’s Lawyer. Emma is a compassionate solicitor who is ready to support you through any family law matter. She has focused on complex children’s matters and is a powerful advocate in and out of the Court room. Emma firmly believes that mediation and negotiation are essential for families trying to achieve resolution and will recommend and assist with negotiated outcomes whenever appropriate.
Lisa-May Holmes

481 Townsend St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 09:00 AM
- Closed 05:00 PM
Criminal Law, Debt Recovery Law, Traffic and Driving Offences, Migration Law, Wills and Estates disputes .
Here’s The Deal:
Lisa is a Solicitor over 36 years experience. She works with Tim Huggins and Kim Balfour in Family Law, an area in which she has over 10 years experience. Lisa places great importance on assisting people through the Family Law process with understanding, in a friendly, down-to-earth and compassionate manner. In her spare time Lisa enjoys spending time with her family and is a passionate member of the Brisbane Broncos RLFC. At Skinner & Associates we are able to assist you in a broad range of legal areas in both New South Wales and Victoria. If an issue arises that is outside our areas of expertise we will help you to connect with the right professional in that area. Since our founding, in 1969, our lawyers have successfully helped both private and institutional clients turn their goals into reality. Let us be your first point of call for all your legal matters.
Piers Blomfield

Level 5/73 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
- Opens 09:00 AM
- Closed 05:00 PM
Criminal Law, Driving offences,
Drug offences, Murder and Manslaughter, Violent offences, Domestic violence, Dishonesty offences.
Here’s The Deal:
With 17 years of experience in the NSW Police Force, Piers launched Bloomfield Legal in 2015 to provide legal support and services to the local community. Appearing in Court daily, he has defended thousands in sentencing matters and hearings. He is also on various Legal Aid panels. At Bloomfield Legal, we will guide you through the entire process, providing options and explaining your rights. In addition, we will prepare you for any court appearances, where our team will passionately defend your case to give you the best possible outcome. Whether considering separation, divorce or facing a criminal charge, the process can be incredibly stressful.
Mark Perkins

481 Townsend St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 09:00 AM
- Closed 05:00 PM
Criminal Law, Immigration law, Family law, Wills and probate, Compensation law.
Here’s The Deal:
Mark Perkins is a Partner at Skinner & Associates and has practiced law since 1986. He practices mainly in property and commercial matters, wills, estates and succession planning. He is married with three children and has a keen interest in cycling, amongst other sports. Mark came to Albury/Wodonga in 1991. He has served on the Boards of a local Credit Union, Apex Service Club and Regional Sports Assembly.Our dedicated professional and support staff combine expert knowledge with compassion, integrity and respect for others. Let us help your goals become reality. The team at Skinner & Associates consists of a wide range of professionals and support staff. We all work together to provide the best possible service to all our clients.
Lauren Henderson

491 Smollett St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
- Opens 08:00 AM
- Closed 06:00 PM
Criminal Law, Family law, Traffic law, Administrative law, Commercial law.
Here’s The Deal:
Lauren is an Albury Wodonga local who commenced work with Don Cameron in 2013. Following five and a half years of full-time work and study, Lauren is now a qualified lawyer with a Diploma in Law from the University of Sydney. Her expertise spans a range of practice areas including Workers Compensation and Public Liability claims in both New South Wales and Victoria, as well as Victorian Motor Accident claims. Passionate about assisting clients achieve their desired outcomes, the knowledge Lauren has acquired from her work and continuous study has proven invaluable in the successful resolution of legal problems.